Artist Statement

My work pulls back the curtain of the world around us to reveal stories we have been telling each other for as long as we have walked the earth. Even as a child, everything I drew had an echo in mythology and folklore. Eventually I realised that these echoes defined my universe and my art grew from my need to express and share them.

Pen and ink is almost as timeless as the stories themselves. Taking a basic scribing tool, dye and dots to depict the tales and archetypes requires a commitment to mark making which can't be undone. As a self taught artist it’s been a matter of trusting myself and my medium, and focusing on the relationship I build with my subjects. 

I create my compositions to prompt a moment of recognition. This can elicit anything from a familiar sense of the significance of a certain animal to a recollected myth. The point of these stories has always been in telling them to each other, and my art lives in the same world: only in being shared, told, remembered can the meaning live.


Solo Exhibition - Art Rooms Kings Heath - August 2022
Open Studios - Art Rooms Kings Heath - Sept 2022
Open Studios - Precision Imaging - Sept 2023
Whitby Goth and Steampunk Festival - April 2022 & Oct 2022
Stratford Upon Avon Victorian Christmas Market - Dec 2021 & Dec 2022
Oxford Christmas Victorian Market - Dec 2022
Art in the Park Leamington Spa - Aug 2023
Sussex Faerie Festival - April 2022 & April 2023
Nightfair in Bloom, Norwich - November 2022 & April 2023